
Puberty can be a stressful time for teens and their parents! Here are some basics about what to expect.


Stages of puberty

  • Breast buds
  • Pubic hair
  • Growth spurt
  • Menarche (the start of periods)

In general, it takes around 1.5-2 years from the first sign (breast buds) to the first period (menarche).

It is normal for periods to be irregular for the first 1-2 years. Teens can use a calendar or one of several apps to keep track of their periods.

When to be concerned and bring your daughter in

  • Signs of puberty before age 8
  • Stages not progressing in the right order – for example, if your child has a period before breast of pubic hair develop
  • No signs by age 14
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding or other severe symptoms interfering with your daughter’s daily life


Stages of puberty

  • Testicles enlarge, body odor becomes noticeable
  • Penis lengthens, pubic hair starts growing
  • Growth spurt

When to be concerned and bring your son in

  • Signs of puberty before age 9
  • Puberty is not progressing in the right order
  • No signs by age 14