Because every patient is unique, it is important to follow your doctor’s directions closely. Failing to follow all instructions may cause a delay. Your doctor may even cancel the procedure.
The checklists below covers typical guidelines before outpatient surgery to help you prepare.
Before Your Surgery
- HMG’s surgery center nurse will call you prior to your surgery to discuss medications you need to stop prior to surgery. This is also the time to ask about over-the-counter medicines and herbs that you take regularly. In addition, your nurse may recommend that you take some medicines the morning of surgery.
- The time to stop foods and drinks vary according to the time your surgery is scheduled. In addition, there are exceptions for children. When HMG’s nurse calls you, he or she will review the specific restrictions for your surgery.
- Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to remove. If you will have bandages, choose loose clothing that will fit over dressings.
- You should be free of makeup, nail polish and all jewelry.
- If you wear contact lens or glasses, bring your case to store them during surgery.
Morning of Surgery
- Bring a family member or friend to drive you. Your driver must remain during the procedure. He or she is responsible for driving you home. Do not plan to use taxis or driving yourself.
- Bring your driver’s license, insurance cards and payment. These may be left with your driver during the procedure.
- Leave all valuables at home that you don’t need for check-in.
- Bring medications and/or prescriptions with you.
Going Home after Surgery
Your nurse reviews your post-operative instructions prior to leaving HMG Outpatient Surgery Center. Because sedation can cause memory lapses, your driver must be present to hear the instructions too. You and your nurse will discuss the following topics. Dont forget to ask questions!
- Pain Management – Depending on the surgery, there are different ways to control pain. We strive to use a combination of effective pain relief techniques. These include blocks, ice packs and over-the-counter medications. Depending on your surgery, you may also receive prescription medications.
- Food Restrictions – You may need to limit specific foods and alcohol for a day or more after surgery.
- Mobility – Depending on your surgery, you may need to increase movement slowly. Your doctor may also limit exercise. However, movement helps circulation and healing. So, your nurse will discuss ways to increase movement gradually.
- Signs to Watch – If you develop unexpected symptoms after you are home, call your surgeon or Outpatient Surgery Center. Your nurse will review signs of infection, medication reactions or other potential issues.